BLOG / PRP - 27-07-2020

What differentiates PRP from a common recycled granule?





1. PRP quality.

A. Autonomous and controlled flow reuse bags from debagging (own logistic organization)

B. Effective cleaning and removal from inks and contaminants surface (water based process)

C. Optimized regranulation for residue removal and freezing and complete reproducibility of the process

D. Strict control of incoming secondary raw materials and granule obtained according to a pre-established sampling plan.


2. Reuse on dedicated 3-layer Coex lines with high PRP percentage.

A. Consistency of the process

B. Achievement of the PRP content up to 80% of the total weight

C. Production capacity even with low thickness and high mechanical characteristics

D. Performance reproducibility equal to that of traditional specifications with virgin mp.



3. PRP certification.

A. High quality level of recycled PRP and its constancy over time

B. Possibility of reuse and recycling bags up to 8 life cycles, without finding contamination and degradation

C. Possibility of recovery and reuse also of debagging bags from all over the petrochemical industry channel

D. NextBag ™ and PRP have a rigorous and accurate "risk assessment" (which certifies the absence of packaging contamination towards the product; we are in fact close to packaging suitable for contact with food)

E. Certification process started (type psv/eucertplast), for pos t-consumer plastic use, with the possibility of affixing an ad hoc mark

F. NextBag ™ already meets the requirements that will allow access to a reduction in the likely taxes foreseen on plastic packaging (Italian and European).

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