The European Union has set a target to recycle 55% of all plastic packaging by 2030. Selene anticipates European objectives and is certified Plastica Seconda Vita – PSV (Plastic Second Life), offering its buyers the guarantee that the company complies with the requirements of IPPR - Istituto per la Promozione delle Plastiche da Riciclo (Italy’s Institute for the Promotion of Recycled Plastics), and the use of recycled material with related traceability.
PSV is an environmental product certification that underscores the need for prompt human intervention in turning waste into resource by issuing the "Plastica Seconda Vita" brand. The PSV brand can be affixed to flexible packaging under license from IPPR (
The comma in the brand’s logo represents a pause, the passage between plastic’s first life (the artifact) and its second (the artifact that becomes waste, is collected and recycled to become a new product).
Created by IPPR, the brand is the first in Italy and one of the first in Europe dedicated to recycled plastics. It signifies the attainment of a product environmental certification system dedicated to materials and artifacts obtained from assigning a new value to plastic waste and introduces the concepts of quality in recycled plastics and traceability of recycled materials.
The PSV brand is recognized by Accredia (Italian National Accreditation Body); this guarantees mutual recognition by all national certification bodies in the EU and in a large part of the world (all those who are part of the EA/IAF/ILAC networks).
PSV is the only Italian scheme, among the six approved by the Circular Plastics Alliance, to communicate the use of recycled plastics to the EU, with the aim of reusing 10 million tons by 2025.
Selene has obtained the Certification of Compliance for the use of the Plastica Seconda Vita brand for its products:
As highlighted by Francesca Paoli, Quality Manager at Selene, "Obtaining this certification is excellent news for the environment, as the reuse of the material involves an automatic reduction of CO2 released into the atmosphere, and entails numerous benefits for our customers in terms of lowering their environmental impact and consequently achieving sustainability objectives".
The certification is a guarantee for our customers to use eco-sustainable products, created with the aim of minimizing environmental impact and reducing CO2 emissions.
"In the coming years – explains Luca Massari, R&D Manager at Selene – the company will focus on addressing the challenges related to the supply and availability of quality post-consumer regenerated material (PCR) in order to continue offering products with a high level of environmental sustainability at a competitive price".
All this will only be possible through the continuous optimization of the circularity of the processes of recovery, selection and reuse of plastic, both at an industrial and private level.
Download our certifications here: